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Fast-restart technology

One hundred per cent refrigeration supply within three minutes of a power failure: our QUANTUM chillers deliver this record performance. Thanks to the innovative fast-restart technology (FRS), our machines are guaranteed to provide refrigeration twice as quickly as other models – a significant advantage for data centres and IT buildings.

The advantages of fast restart at a glance

Fast restart
within three minutes of a blackout
Full utilisation
after half the normal time
High safety
due to avoidance of overheating IT devices
Low investment costs
as no conversions for a thermal emergency storage are required

Against the blackout: our QUANTUM chillers with fast-restart technology

Refrigeration supply is a highly complex and highly detailed process. But in highly sensitive areas such as data centres and IT buildings, it is only the result that counts: in the event of a power outage, the innovative fast-restart technology activates the standard load control of the QUANTUM chiller in dependence on demand – and the temperature-sensitive devices and systems at the data centre are provided with cooling again in a timely fashion. And you can be sure that no data losses or outages will result from overheating.

This is a decisive advantage of the refrigeration technology from ENGIE Refrigeration, which many other models on the market do not offer. Our QUANTUM series thereby contributes significantly to the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) at your data centre or IT building

Uninterrupted power supply guaranteed: QUANTUM Air in a data centre

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Sustainability, energy efficiency and security of supply - that's what our chillers ensure in your data centre. Would you like to learn more about our highly innovative technology? Benefit from exclusive expert knowledge and receive our free whitepaper "Refrigeration for the data centre of the future".
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