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The climate-friendly heating supply of the future

02 December 2021

Demand for heating is increasing around the world: experts predict growth rates of around 5 per cent for the global market for local and district heat in the coming years. Conventional heat supplies based on fossil fuels were often chosen in the past, but heat pumps represent an investment in a sustainable future – for example, the thermeco2 high-temperature heat pump and the Spectrum heat pump from ENGIE Refrigeration.

What does the heat supply of the future look like? Both local heat and district heat need to be high-performing, reliable and intelligent – while meeting tough requirements relating to sustainability and climate protection. The latter play a key role, especially in the European Union; after all, nations need to do their part to achieve their climate targets. Denmark is an ambitious pioneer in this field: by 2030, it intends to lower carbon emissions in the heating market by 70 per cent from 1990 levels. To achieve this target, users around Europe are increasingly relying on heat pumps.

Towards climate neutrality with thermeco2 and Spectrum

ENGIE Refrigeration has two models in its portfolio that meet all the requirements for climate-friendly heating: the thermeco2 high-temperature heat pump and the Spectrum heat pump. The thermeco2 has a heating capacity of up to 1,000 kilowatts and is used for applications with temperatures of up to 90 degrees Celsius; examples include food production, industrial production and districts. It runs on CO2, a natural and climate-friendly refrigerant. The oil-free range is suitable for the low-temperature range of up to 68 degrees Celsius used by all kinds of local and district heat networks. The newly designed Spectrum will be available from spring 2022 with the A1 refrigerants R-513A and R-515B, and with the A2L refrigerant R-1234ze. Both series are perfect for use in combined heating and cooling, which reduces investment costs and increases efficiency, with a positive impact on sustainability. It is also possible to power thermeco2 and Spectrum with renewable energy sources – enabling operating companies to achieve an entirely climate-neutral heating supply.

Do you have any questions about our heat pumps?

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